

Bridging the information gap for pregnant & nursing mothers.

How we do it

We bridge the healthcare information gap in underserved communities, by harnessing the power of Mobile Technology. We deliver valuable healthcare information about the symptoms of potential fatal prenatal conditions using SMS and VOICE-NOTES Health information is delivered in preferred local languages to Pregnant and nursing mothers accessible on both Feature and Smart Phones.

The information

These personalized weekly texts/voice-notes remind expectant mothers of pregnancy follow-ups, clinical-reminders, child-growth and nutrition, breastfeeding, vaccination-reminders, symptoms of common childhood-illnesses, Anti Natal and other post-natal care tips etc. the messages are sent throughout their pregnancy journey.

We're building the future of healthcare

For the vulnerable pregnant women and nursing mothers who cannot read, by harnessing Machine Learning focusing on Voice Technology through Chatbot, Conversational agent and Virtual Assistant, we render Voice Messages in local languages capable of interacting with end-users via voice-activated commands to personalized information within the context of health information.